Jeff the killer vs Squidward Suicide

Jeff was walking in the woods . He was barely clinging to the life , just barely escaping
the horror of Slenderman . You would think that a 13 year old would die after being stabbed , and burned , but no, for the sake of satisfying the ovaries of his 11 year old fangirls, he's still here .
As he was walking, he was gasping violently , even occasionally spewing out blood .
Besides his wounds , the sleep was catching up to him , and he fell on his knees and
fell asleep . He had a horrible nightmare . In his dreams , he saw a person that
looked just like him , but that person had black and red hyper-realistic blood .
This person was also crying blood with those red and black eyes , and as Jeff was
approaching this strange figure , it uttered a single phrase , that makes Jeff's
feet still sore and ache . It said : 'Your time is up' .
Jeff awoke suddenly . He had a feeling that some 11 year idiot old ripped off his Marie Suecharacter and used it as a girl , but he dismissed it as a glitch .
When he woke up , it was morning already . He decided he would get some of that
alcohol , and continue with killing , for no reason . Time has passed since
the evening of the Jeff's battle , and , by now , he had already healed , using
his Sage abilities .
He found a bottle of vodka and continued his way . Not too far away , Squidward
was doing the same thing . He was done killing his newest victim , this time
it was a middle aged guy named Paul . He was very paranoid of the outside world and anything could traumatize the poor guy. Apparently he had a Sonic Adventure 2 game to stay sane from the insanely bad Sonic games . Oh , wait.
After he killed him , Squidward absorbed all of his blood , in order to refill
his 'Hyper-realistic container' . It wasn't enough to him , though .
He was still hungry .
As Jeff was walking , he coming in front of his house , but Squidward had already
sensed him .
Squidward attacked him first with his tentacles , but Jeff had already pulled out
his knife and cutted off most of his tentacles ,but they regenerated .
Jeff thought : 'Would in be permanent'?
Squidward stopped , and started attacking him with his Hyper-realistic blood eyes .
Jeff , of course , dodged it , because he's a almighty Sage . However ,
one of Squidward's tears shot him . And Jeff fell to the ground .
As Squidward was jumping in the air to impale the fish-faced fuckface , but ,
of course , Jeff pulled out his vodka , and threw it at the Squid .
He got the Squidward in the face , and , pulled out his lighter , that
just trough the power of plot contrivance happened to be in his pocket, despite
all the hardship he went through .
He threw it carelessly , and with 100% hit ratio , he lit Squidward on fire
Squidward burned like a jumping inferno , and , of course , the woods
get caught in the fire , and everything burned down .
Of course , Jeff survived .